Contract versus Permanent hiring

The tide has turned for us and most of our hires are being made on a contract basis as opposed to full time offers being extended. We have heard and most of us have likely read in the trade journals that this is going to be the case for at least the forseeable future.

So the question is, will this pose a problem. My theory is that, yes, it will. There are a couple of problems from a hiring perspective of the jobs being contract only. First of all, there are not enough people who are willing to jump from their full time jobs to the uncertainty of a contract job. Secondly, a majority of the people who are ready to jump for the first thing that comes along – be it contract or otherwise – are typically not the people a company looks to have as their “hired gun”. Therefore, there is no real easy fix to this challenge.

It is certainly our hope that this will come back into alignment soon, but it is definitely the state of things (for us) today.

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